Calahan Park Master Plan

The final report of the Calahan Park Master Plan project is on hand for review. After over a year of process, outreach and deliberation, the plan presented is a comprehensive snapshot of the vision for Calahan Park. The final report documents the conceptual park design process led by a consultant team at Offshoots and BPRW with input from park stakeholders and the public. The plan provides the city with a guide to update the park to meet the goals and needs of the community while also emphasizing ecological enhancements to this neighborhood park.
The report documents the process, the data collected, the goals established for the project that emerged from a robust public engagement process and illustrates the many components that come together to form a cohesive, connected and accessible park for all. Next steps for BPRW include internal discussions on what components can be implemented by internal staff and what parts will be added to our long-range capital planning.
Project 1 of the plan’s implementation is already underway. Since late winter, our BPRW team has been working with a vendor on designing Phase 1 of the playground for installation this summer (2022). The existing play structure will be demolished in late spring/early summer when the new components arrive for installation. Stay tuned for future updates on what we anticipate the playground to include!
The Final Report
The Final Public Meeting
On November 30th, 2021, BPRW hosted the third and final virtual public meeting to walk through and review the final draft master plan for Calahan Park. Our consultant team, led by Offshoots, Inc., provided an overview of the project and feedback obtained from the four proposed concept plans presented in August and at in-person events at the park and online since. The public weighed in and asked questions to clarify the plan and next steps. From here, the Offshoots team will be wrapping up a final report with the project process and final outcome and the City team will work on phase 1 of the plan implementation: putting a bid out for the first part of the playground replacement for which we have funding this year.
View the slides Offshoots produced and used to guide the conversation here.
View the live recording of the virtual meeting here.
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We held the 2nd Virtual Public Meeting August 5th, 2021 from 7-8:30pm.
On August 5th, 2021, BPRW hosted a second virtual public meeting inviting the community to view and hear about the proposed master plan menu for Calahan Park. Our consultant team, led by Offshoots, Inc., provided an overview of the project and feedback to date, presented different approaches to park components and allowed the public to weigh in through an interactive series of polls throughout the evening. Poll feedback and additional open conversation at the end of the meeting will be compiled while opportunities for in-person engagement in the park are being developed. From there, Offshoots and the City team will determine a way forward to wrap up the master plan. A third and final public meeting will be scheduled in the fall to present the final plan.
View the presentation Offshoots produced and used to guide the conversation.
View the live recording of the virtual meeting here.
Thanks for all the input so far! We’ve had over 100 responses to the survey and in-person sessions.

Notes from the First Public Meeting
On May 13th, 2021, BPRW hosted a virtual public meeting inviting the community to tell us about their Calahan Park – what works, what doesn’t, what opportunities exist to make it better. Our consultant team, led by Offshoots, Inc., provided an overview of the project, identified project goals, the site analysis they have completed thus far and provided opportunities for individuals to interact via a poll, the chat and a breakout session.
Over 80 individuals registered for the virtual meeting. Attendance reached 40 individuals on a beautiful spring evening as the design team provided an overview of the project, identified project goals, the site analysis they have completed thus far and provided opportunities for individuals to interact via a poll, the chat and a breakout session. The city and design teams have deliberated on the feedback received during the public meeting to explore ways forward for Calahan Park based on all the concerns, opportunities and challenges of the site heard to date.
View the slide presentation Offshoots produced and used to guide the conversation.
View the live recording of the virtual meeting.
Why was this FINAL public meeting not publicized on Front Porch Forum, which I believe is the most widely used platform for the community to learn about local events?
It was posted city-wide in late November. Hopefully people saw it there. Let us know if you have any questions about joining.