Parking Fees and Passes

Parking Fees and Passes

Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront paid-public lots, fees, and parking passes

For more information about parking in Burlington, visit and check out the interactive parking map:

  • Park admission is always free by foot, bike, or other non-motorized transportation.  
  • Vehicles with Handicapped plates or tags enter free.  
  • Green Mountain Passports (for seniors and Veterans) are only accepted at Oakledge, North Beach and Perkins. They are not valid at the Pease/Waterfront Park lot.
    • Physical passes must be displayed on the dashboard, or stop by Parking Services at 645 Pine St and get a digital Green Mountain Passport for Burlington. You must bring your current Green Mountain Passport, and provide the make of the car, license plate number and email address.

Need assistance? Call: 802-540-2380


Pay by license plate: use ParkMobile App or Kiosks, where available

Download the ParkMobile App here

North Beach   

$3 per hour: May through October 15

Free: October 16 through April 

Pay at Kiosk or ParkMobile App (Zone 5828) 
Leddy Park   Free Paid parking currently not in effect.
Oakledge Park   

$3 per hour: May through October 31

Free: November through May

Pay at kiosks or ParkMobile App (Zone 5818)
Perkins Pier Lot
$3 per hour Pay at kiosks or ParkMobile App (Zone 5822)
Amtrak customer and boat trailer parking available through ParkMobile (see rates & info in next section) 
Pease Lot (by Waterfront Park)  $3 per hour Pay at kiosks or ParkMobile App (Zone 5817) 



Pay by license plate: use ParkMobile App or Kiosks, where available

Vehicle with Boat Trailer Attached  $12 per day  Enter trailer license plate when paying:  

Perkins Pier lot (Zone 5822), Coast Guard Launch lot (Zone 5821)  

Handicap Vehicle with Boat Trailer Attached  Free Perkins Pier lot (Zone 5822), Coast Guard Launch lot (Zone 5821) must display handicap placard or plate 
Amtrak Customer  $15 per day  Perkins Pier lot (Zone 5822) 


Seasonal passes allow unlimited admittance to all Burlington parks that charge parking fees (except Waterfront Park Pease Lot). 

Passes are assigned to a specific vehicle and are non-transferable. Once purchased, your vehicle’s license plate will be active in the system – no need to display a pass. 

Purchase seasonal parking passes at the following link: Park Burlington ( To purchase, login into the Aims system, choose “order permits” and select the type of pass you want to purchase.

Seasonal Parking Pass*  $55  $75 
Winter Seasonal Pass (Perkins Pier only)** $25 $25
Seasonal Boat Trailer (Perkins Pier, Coast Guard Lots)  $30  $30 
Business Parking Pass (Perkins Pier)* $75/month  $75/month 

 * Seasonal Pass valid May through October at Oakledge, North Beach and Perkins Pier lots only.

** Valid October 16 through May 14 at Perkins Pier only.

  • Green Mountain Passport holders must purchase additional Seasonal Boat Trailer passes for Perkins and Coastguard Boat Launch sites, go to: 
  • Scholarships for 100% off of seasonal parking pass fees are available for eligible Burlington residents, call (802) 864-0123 or fill out this form to apply