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The Intervale
Green Up Day
Enjoy Burlington
Winter Updates: Greenway, Outdoor Ice Rinks, and Winter Activities
Burlington Greenway (multi-use path) See our interactive Greenway Plow map! BPRW staff plow the path 24-72 hours after a snow storm, read BPRW’s plowing policy here. We do not…READ MORE
Burlington Cooling Centers – where to cool off during a heat wave
A summer heat wave can be a health risk for many people who do not have access to air conditioning, particularly for older adults, children, un-housed people, those with…READ MORE
Planning & Projects

Pomeroy Park Playground Replacement
Updated January 2nd, 2025 Thank you for joining us for Hot Chocolate in the Park and completing the survey! City Staff had a great time connecting with neighbors and students…READ MORE

Roosevelt Park Comprehensive Plan
Updated 9/25/2024 The Final Public Meeting On September 24th, 2024, BPRW met with the Boys’ and Girls’ Club before hosting the final public meeting to review the final draft comprehensive…READ MORE

Champlain Street Park Improvements
Champlain St Park Construction Update – 6/12/24 We’re almost there! We were very close to wrapping up construction at Champlain St. Park in the first week of June. Unfortunately, the…READ MORE