About Our Cemeteries
About Our Cemeteries
The City of Burlington manages three cemeteries: Lakeview, Greenmount, and Elmwood.
Lakeview Cemetery is located on North Ave, Greenmount Cemetery is located on Colchester Ave, and Elmwood Cemetery is located on Elmwood Ave.
Lakeview Cemetery and Greenmount Cemetery are open to the public from 7:00 a.m. to a half hour after sunset daily. Elmwood Cemetery is open by appointment only.
Of the three City owned cemeteries, Lakeview Cemetery is the only one which is actively selling lots. Burials occur Monday through Friday. Saturdays are available for burials May 1 through October 31. Lakeview Cemetery office and grounds department are closed on Sundays.
Burlington City Cemetery office is located at Lakeview Cemetery (see contact info below). Please contact the main office by phone or email for a complete list of pricing for burial and lot purchases.
Please note: Pets are NOT permitted in the Cemeteries.
A complete list of Cemetery rules can be found in our City Ordinances
Contact & Hours
Please contact the cemetery office by email or phone for all burial, lot purchase, historical, and general cemetery related inquires.
Email: cemeteries@burlingtonvt.gov
(802) 863-2075
Cemetery Office Address:
Lakeview Cemetery
455 North Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401
Cemetery Hours:
Open to the Public: 7:00 a.m. – half hour after Sunset
Office hours: M-F 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Grounds Operations: M-F 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Cemetery Commission
About the Cemetery Commission
Upcoming Cemetery Commission Meetings are scheduled at the end of each meeting, according to specific needs and timelines, and noted in each meeting’s minutes.
For more information, including meeting minutes, commission members, and upcoming meeting schedules, please visit the City’s Cemetery Commission Page.
Friends of Lakeview Cemetery
The Friends of Lakeview Cemetery have completed several restoration projects thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers. These projects include:
- Restoration of the Louisa Howard Chapel. This magnificent structure is now fully restored and open to the public.
- Replacement of the wooden gazebo that has provided sanctuary for cemetery visitors for decades. This structure had suffered significant deterioration due to its prolonged exposure to the elements but an accurate reproduction has replaced the original structure.
- Renovation of the historic fountain built in the mid-1800’s. A replica fountain was recently installed thanks to the Friends fundraising efforts.
To learn more about the projects or to make a donation, please contact Diana Carlisle, President, Friends of Lakeview Cemetery at (802) 862-3939.