Poetry Walk Opening Celebration

Kieslich Park / Redstone Cottage 311 North Ave, Burlington, VT

Join us for the grand opening event! This is shaping up to be an amazing event.  Many of the poets to be featured in the Poetry Walk will be present. ...READ MORE

Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting

645 Pine Street 645 Pine Street, Burlington, VT

Join us for the next meeting September 14, 2021, 5:30PM 645 Pine Street, Front Conference Room Please check meeting agenda to confirm meeting details. The Commission meets regularly on the...READ MORE

VT State 5K CHAMPionship

More information is on their website.   This event is not produced by BPRW. Please contact the event producers for tickets or more information. Events are subject to change or cancellation.

Halloween Howl

North Beach

Join BPRW at this year's friendly Halloween event, the Halloween Howl Hayrides! Sign up for a haunted hayride through the North Beach Campground, filled with spectacular spooks, creeps, and fun...READ MORE


Halloween Bike Ride

VT, United States

Join riders for the annual rolling costume parade! This year it's ON the big day! Meet at 1:30pm at City Hall Park. Ride departs at 2pm. The event is free...READ MORE


Calahan Park Master Plan Public Meeting

Join us for the Final Public Meeting On December 1st, 2021, BPRW will host the third (and final) virtual public meeting inviting the community to view and hear about the...READ MORE

Perkins Pier Re-Imagining: Final Public Meeting

The third (and final) virtual public meeting for Perkins Pier’s Siting Study is scheduled for Tuesday, December 7th 2021 at 7pm. BPRW and the consultant team, led by Agency Planning + Design, will give a summary of the...READ MORE

Holiday Lights Contest

Burlington residents, if you love decorating your home with holiday lights, sign up to participate in our 3nd annual Holiday Lights Contest. We will have prizes for the top three...READ MORE

Holiday Ice Skating Show: The Gift

Gordon H. Paquette Ice Arena 216 Leddy Park Rd, Burlington, VT, United States

The Holiday ice show features skaters from the local figure skating club and skaters from Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront programs. Presented by North Country Federal Credit Union and the...READ MORE



Schmanska Park 65 Grove Street, Burlington, VT

Your friends and neighbors in Burlington’s Old East End are sponsoring 2nd Annual Winterlude Festival to help you chase away those winter blues! This event is a chance to break...READ MORE