Coming Soon: Outdoor Fitness Equipment

BPRW is excited to announce the installation of three fitness stations as a part of the next phase of the Burlington Bike Path Rehabilitation. Thanks to a generous donation from the UVM Medical Center, fitness stations will be located along the length of the 8 mile recreation path. BPRW, UVM Medical Center and Ultiplay are currently collaborating on the design and equipment selection for the first three stations, to be located at two new pause places and one new mini park in the realigned Urban Reserve section of the bike path.
UVM Med Center and BPRW share a goal to encourage active and healthy lifestyles, and agree the fitness stations will both attract new users and increase the physical activity of existing path users. Surgeons, physical and occupational therapists and marketing staff from UVM Med Center have all contributed input into the process, with a goal being able to prescribe exercises to patients at the stations. Med Center staff are currently finalizing their equipment preferences, which will be shared with the public at the June 7th BPRW Commission Meeting (5:30PM at 645 Pine St.).
Ultiplay’s approach includes the use of two different exercise equipment product lines to cover the widest variety of users. The equipment will focus on cardiovascular, strength, balance and flexibility. Individual pieces will function on a variety of different skill and strength levels and will feature interactive technology, accessing video support and instruction via QR codes.
Construction on Phase 1b of the Burlington Bike Path Rehabilitation begins mid-June 2016 and is expected to be completed by summer of 2017, at which time the stations will be completed and open to the public. Next time you’re at the Med Center, be sure to thank them for supporting this groundbreaking addition to Burlington’s beloved bike path!