Leddy Park Comprehensive Plan

updated 6/14/2024
The final Leddy Park Comprehensive Plan Report is here!
The final report of the Leddy Park Comprehensive Plan project is available for review. After over two years of process and engagement, the plan documents background on the park as it is today and the roadmap for its future. The plan is the city’s guide for capital planning for upcoming years.
Project 1 of the plan’s recommendations is well underway. BPRW secured Clean Water funding from the Addison County Regional Planning Commission to identify projects that can improve water quality impacted by the Leddy Park North Gully. Watershed Consulting has been working on reviewing the subwatershed since last summer for potential projects that can help slow the flow of water into the gully and possibly infiltrate before reaching the gully. A final report will be ready this summer to share with the public.
The Final Report is available for review here.
The final public meeting was held June 1, 2023
We have launched a survey to collect feedback on layout options and prioritization of next phases for the park. Please complete the survey by June 16! (SURVEY CLOSED)
A Public Meeting was held on June 2nd, 2022 from 4:30-6:30pm
BPRW and SE Group hosted a public meeting to garner feedback and direction from the public on the future of Leddy Park. We provided an overview of the project to-date, including past meetings that started to shape the way for the comprehensive plan process, as well as identified initial concept ‘tracks’ for idea development. Initial opportunities for changes were highlighted and the public was invited to peruse boards identifying site opportunities and constraints, ask questions provide thoughts for improving this regional park. Over 60 individuals attended and interacted with staff and the consulting team.
From this meeting and the feedback received, the project was paused as we collected additional information about the park as a whole, specifically on the ecology of the site to formulate a vision for Leddy Park that balances people and place. The report on the different vegetative communities at Leddy is available below.
Leddy Park Open House #1 Boards
Leddy Park Ecosystem Health Assessment
BPRW also tabled at Beach Bites in August to ask pointed questions about locations for the playground, the size of a pavilion, gathering spaces and circulation to and through the park. This too, informed next steps in the project.
Together with the BPRW team, consultants at SE Group kicked off the long-term visioning for Leddy Park in late March. The Leddy Park Comprehensive Plan builds on outreach undertaken in spring 2019 on amenities at Leddy – both planned and in the works. The Leddy Park Comprehensive Plan will provide a clear vision and cohesive roadmap for the future of Leddy Park, delivered through a highly collaborative and community-driven process. The Comprehensive Plan will identify how to connect the diverse uses on the site, prioritize opportunities for environmental resource management, and determine what infrastructure is needed to support visitors into the future.
Stay tuned for more information to come about public meetings, online surveys and updates!
An area for dogs to be off-leash is needed by many residents in the new north end.