Future Pause Place Concepts

We are currently designing “Pause Place” concepts for Leddy Park, Starr Farm and North Shore area along the Burlington Greenway in the soon-to-be rehabilitated Phase 2 section. These new and improved locations will feature enhanced recreation opportunities and improved natural areas.
Highlights include:
- Two additional fitness stations for the University of Vermont Medical Center “Fitness Trail” at Starr Farm and Leddy Park
- Bike racks and benches
- Planting of additional trees and shrubs
- Improved intersections and crossings
Click here to view the complete concepts!
Public meetings will be announced at a later date.
Construction of the new pauses places will be generously funded by the Parks Foundation of Burlington.

I am concerned about the removal of old growth trees (providing shade and habitats for critters). I also would much rather have undergrowth (natural weeds, flowers, bushes, posion ivy, whatever) rather than cutbacks and lawn that needs care. Shady areas on the bike path are restful and beautiful, rather than open, devoid of natural habitat, areas!
Thanks to Local Motion for the much needed signs that went up this week. Now visitors who don’t know this area can see that they are on the right detour track!
In summer hundreds of people use the bike path daily for biking, hiking, walking pets, and accessing the beach. For 2 weeks the Starr Farm. Northshore segment was needlessly closed before any obstructing work began. Now 8 hours a day on weekdays pavement is being removed, but not after hours nor on weekends. If this area were a street being repaired, it would not have been blocked completely. These are paths, not highways. The project is supposed to serve the area, not kill a summer of beach access and bike path enjoyment needlessly.
When you say North Shore pause place…which one? There are two currently. One is close to Starr Farm and the second is north of that at the access point to the bike path and beach for residents of Northgate and residents of the Village at Northshore. The latter is in most need of restoration since vandals set fire to the beach stairs earlier this summer. Is that the pause place scheduled for reconstruction?
I don’t see any provisions for the restoration of beach access down by the Northshore condos. The stairs were damaged by vandals, and we had been led to believe that the city would repair this, likely in concert with the renovations. Now, I don’t see that mentioned anywhere. Please advise.
We miss our beach access and the bike path terribly. Why is the bike path from Starr Farm headed North closed with no work being done? Also, please make sure that the area that is being used for materials storage at Starr Farm Park is restored – we use that area as our skating rink.
The Local Motion signs are sweet but a more useful and perhaps life saving one would read STAY TO THE RIGHT AND RIDE SINGLE FILE. The North Ave extension is the only ingress/egress route for 770 families and is a busy, poorly kept roadway. The weekend bike traffic just makes a bad situation worse.
We’re working to improve signage and the detour route.
Work is well under way in that section. Follow the project on this page: https://enjoyburlington.com/burlington-greenway-phase-2/
And Starr Farm park will get returned to normal once this section is complete, and then in the future, we’ll make even more improvements to the park. We hope you’ll come to the Ward presentations once those are announced.
The steps that have been damaged by fire are the ones we plan to replace.
Unfortunately we are unable to open the path during non-work hours or on weekends for safety reasons. The construction crews leave the site “as is” at the end of each day and conditions are often very unsafe for bikers or pedestrians.
I don’t see any concepts for the other more northerly beach access stairs. Please show us the concepts for those.
I recommend that the proposed Wayfinding Map Kiosks at the proposed Leddy pause space be set back from the bike path enough to avoid people stopping in the middle of the path to view the info.