April Stools Day
On behalf of the Burlington Dog Task Force Team, we’d like to remind everyone: Scoop Your Poop! Pet waste should be picked up promptly because it… is harmful for kids…READ MORE
Rock Point Revealed
Edited by Eva Pepe Rock Point is a unique, multipurpose “urban wild” area situated on the northern shore of Burlington on Lake Champlain. This popular peninsula has distinctive geological and…READ MORE
A Brief Geological History of Burlington
Written by Hayley Kolding and Charlotte Cadow One billion years ago, the ground where we now stand was a violent and shifting land of collisions. Heat from our planet’s mantle…READ MORE
Life Under the Snow
Written by Alicia Daniel, Vermont Master Naturalists Our van full of field naturalists pulled into a snow-covered parking lot in the Vermont woods. Suddenly, the snow erupted in front of…READ MORE
BPRW Operations During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Recreation Programs On Thursday March 3, 2022 the City-building mask mandate will be lifted. Masks will no longer be required in City buildings for visiting public and staff. The only…READ MORE
Discounted Bromley Daily Ski Tickets
As members of the Vermont Recreation and Parks Association, we are excited to offer discount ski ticket codes to Bromley Ski Resort. Bromley offers the most affordable ticket prices in…READ MORE
Calahan Park Master Plan
The final report of the Calahan Park Master Plan project is on hand for review. After over a year of process, outreach and deliberation, the plan presented is a comprehensive…READ MORE
Perkins Pier Siting Study & Comprehensive Plan
The final report for the Perkins Pier Siting Study is complete and available for review! BPRW initiated the planning process and worked with the consultant team led by Agency Landscape…READ MORE
Disc Golf Course at Schifilliti Park
On the 21st of October, 2021 Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront (BPRW) is excited and to announce the grand opening of the new permanent 9-hole disc golf course at Schifilliti Park, located in the…READ MORE